Saturation point

At this point in the workshop, four days in, you’ve probably reached saturation point several times, at least once a day, if not four or five! The first strategy is to realize that this happens to absolutely everyone. It’s the moment when nothing seems to...

What to do in rehearsal period?

Practice what you learned today. Do all of the exercises you can remember. Ask your classmates to run partner drills with you. Do solo drills and ask a classmate or an instructor-type (instructor, assistant, journeyperson) to be an outside eye and catch little...

Scenes for my classes

The intermediate longsword test fight will be choreographed to this scene. The advanced broadsword and shield fight will be choreographed to this scene. Get started on reading...


I know they’re not scheduled during the workshop, but be sure to do a cool-down or have a personal cool-down routine. It’s two weeks of long days. Give your mind and body some cues that it’s time to rest, recuperate and relax. Maybe it’s a...

Adjusting To A New Location

Some like to arrive on the eve of the workshop, but I like to give it an extra day. It gives me time to get settled in my new “home”. I can find the grocery store, scout out a massage therapist and a yoga studio, test out my route to the location, and get...