Bring it!

One of our tasks as actors, arguably the prime task, is to commit. “What am I fighting for?” is a more passionate re-phrasing of “What’s my intention?”. The purpose of the re-wording is to remind the performer that it’s not enough...

Importance of Cool Down

After an intensive day of filming last weekend, I was reminded of the importance of cooling down. When I got home after fighting on set for several hours, I took a hot bath with Epsom Salts and then did various self-care activities for almost two hours. These...

review: Line Learner (app)

There’s several apps out there for helping you to learn your lines, but Line Learner is my favourite. It’s $4.59 and incredibly good value. Even the free version, Line Learner Lite, is extremely useful and will give you a sense of how the paid app works....

Beginning the #FightLife!

FDC’s National Workshop begins tomorrow! How are you feeling on your way into the workshop? I hope you’re brimming with excitement, and are ready to adapt to any and all curveballs. I know I’m excited and I totally wish I could be there with you!...